I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me. Philippians 4:13

I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me.  Philippians 4:13
"Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly." Ignatius
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North Carolina, United States

Saturday, June 26, 2010

6/26/10 Disappointed With My Results Lately....

Tell me, have you ever felt this way?  Do you seem to be doing everything right to accomplish your goals but are making little if any progress?  That's where I am right now unfortunately with my health goals.   I know a big, big part of it is that I get to be more disciplined getting up earlier and going right to the Word of God first thing and gleaning what's important daily, but I've been sporadic.  I read it regularly, but not with the regimen that I need or It (the Bible) deserves.  

I haven't had sugar in my regular diet for months now and I am diligent with my T-Tapp exercise.  I've seen little improvement around my waist, abs or hips.   I'm now increasing the amount of workouts to see if that helps.   I don't eat a lot of processed foods, so my metabolism is slower than the average person's.  T-Tapp at least keeps me from gaining any weight should I eat something out of the usual that is more fattening.  I was so sure I'd have better results by now.  I could see some improvements in the beginning.  Yes, I'm only doing the 15 minute Basic Work-Out Plus, but I've been very consistent doing it nearly every day.  I keep reminding myself of all the great results so many have had just doing this work-out alone like Steve on the video.  I won't give up, but I do get to work on this discouragement factor!

With this chronic hip bursitis and arthritic foot pain, I'm unable to do other sporty things like walking, running, biking etc without exacerbating it.  Swimming isn't really an option either since we don't have free pool access nearby.  I'm starting to add squats with bicep curls to my daily routine.  I already do push-ups as well.  The more I work-out the large cell muscle groups the better I will burn fat, or so I've been told and read over the years.  I know I should start using my husband's Bowflex for more work on hamstrings and the back muscles, but I allow myself to be intimidated by that machine and have decided that walking upstairs through the attic to get to the work-out room is like traveling to the other side of Siberia.                
I was so hoping to see obvious improvements besides my slimmer arms and slightly thinner thighs, but I'm not.  My husband says my face looks a little slimmer too, but after seeing photos of myself from vacation last week, I'm not sure anything really looks slimmer.  Am I putting too much importance on being a healthier weight?  Why is it so hard to see my progress?

I realize that these setbacks or frustrations are important for me to experience and that I can work through it Biblically.  I get to stay encouraged that I'm putting my trust in the Lord to lead me down the right path in all ways including health.  I'm praying for continued willingness and endurance as I seek the Lord's guidance and encouragement.
"Father you are our Redeemer, Counselor and Friend please forgive me for my lack of diligence with my prayer life and time in Your precious Word.  Thank you for all the precious Scripture and and Godly people you've been providing through this journey!  Please help me to see what you teaching me.   Please guide me and train me Lord into better spiritual and physical health.  Please also show me Lord new insights and concepts to support others achieve their health and spiritual goals as well.  To you Jesus be all the glory and forever praised!  Amen. "

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

6/09/10 "First Fruits"

Sometimes I feel like the woman in this picture walking on a high wire.  There she is trying to keep her balance as she moves forward while the waves of distraction try to knock her off her course.  Does anyone else ever feel that way?  What is the high wire and what is below it?  What are the obstacles?

Why does it seem so hard to see my little victories lately?  I do a lot of things right like preparing my food before work, but at home I don't always choose nutrient dense foods.  I'm keeping up with my T-Tapp exercise incredibly well though.  I do my exercises wherever I may be in the world even without the dvd.  I've done them so much I know every exercise by heart.  It's like I turn on a tape of Teresa Tapp in my head and go to work.  I even find my self saying to myself "Yes you can!" and "You did it!" like Teresa says faithfully each work-out.

I see the inches coming off slowly now and there isn't much weight loss.  I keep telling myself that I'm losing fat and gaining muscle which is why I'm not seeing much weight loss yet.  Is the 15 minute a day T-Tapp Basic Work-Out Plus isn't enough for me right now?  Should I double up?  I am determined to make the 15 Minute Basic Work-Out Plus work for me.  I've seen the results others have had from doing just this work-out alone which is a real inspiration.

I've done a great job keeping off the sugar.  I did have a small bite of lemon cake a friend prepared for tea the other day, but it was out of politeness and not a craving.  I may be doing great with sugar, but sometimes I do get a hankering for cheese or meat.  The day I came home from my last work trip I took a small 8oz tub of cream cheese which was 2/3 full and ate it with a spoon.  Funny huh?  Well, then I took a few clawfuls of meat off a rotisserie chicken and devoured it.  I felt like I was breaking the law or something!  Most of the time I eat veggies and fish.  Sometimes more fish than veggies though.

To me what's really missing here is something so basic, obvious and important.  It is the key that got me started on this path to health and kept me steady.  That missing link is my scheduled prayer and scripture time.  I've been winging it by praying here and there and looking up scripture when it suits me.  I've not made my time with the Lord my first priority of the day or as they say, I'm not giving Him my "first fruits."  Without the Lord as my foundation for each day of my life, I might as well just be a leaf blowing in the wind.

It's time to redirect and rededicate myself to the goals before me.  "Prayer that is born of meditation upon the Word of God is the prayer that soars upward most easily to God's listening ears."  R.A. Torrey