I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me. Philippians 4:13

I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me.  Philippians 4:13
"Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly." Ignatius
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North Carolina, United States

Thursday, July 22, 2010

7/22/10 In The Groove And Gaining Momentum!!!

Well, I've been a little busy with work lately traveling a lot, but I just had to check in and share some encouraging and hopefully supportive news!  Since my last post, things seem to be continuing in the right direction health and weight wise.  I'm at the lowest weight I've been in a couple years and I'm having little if any celiac symptoms.  My bad foot and hip are doing better than ever too.  Not only am I feeling stronger, but my body's healthy shape is coming back!  Clothes look more flattering and I'm actually needing a belt to hold up most of my pants and shorts.  I'm not quite back into my size 10s, but getting closer!  Taking it one milestone at a time.

I'm also about to hit my make it or break it weight or what I also call my "VavavaVOOM Threshold."  That is a weight that if I go under it I start getting my natural curves back and if I go over it, I lose them and get a little out of proportion, especially in my waist and hips.  Does anyone else know what their VavavaVOOM Threshold is?  I don't mind sharing that mine at almost 5'8" is 155lbs.  Of course the lower I go toward 150 and under the more VavavaVOOM I look!  I could definitely afford to lose more weight than that, but at least I'm now tipping the scales in the right direction if you know what I mean!  Enjoying some yummy juices lately, soups and fish.  I've been getting into grilling or lightly frying up salmon burgers and tilapia.  YUM!  I buy mine at ALDI for a  reasonable price.  Still doing the morning blended salad smoothie thing that is a great way to get, vitamin C, fiber and some extra iron.  YES!

Oh!  I also must share with you that I'm now able to allow myself a dessert occasionally without going overboard and craving more sugar.  Another huge milestone for me!  Woohoo!!!

I can also honestly say that T-Tapping is as natural for me me now as getting dressed.  It's a natural part of my day.  I do the T-Tapp 15 minute Work-out Plus twice a day 5 to 7 days straight with one and a half days off in between.  This is what seems to be working most effectively for me.

Here's hoping that everyone else is doing well too or at least encouraged by how this gal is finally seeing the fruits of her labor!  With faith, prayer, determination and T-Tapp, it's all slowly coming together.  Hallelujah!

May we never lose sight of our priorities and goals in life like the One who makes all things possible!  May God always have all the glory!  Talk to you again before too long.  In the meantime, I'm off to Milano again one last time this month and then London a few times next month.  Bless you friends!

Satisfied in Christ

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