I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me. Philippians 4:13

I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me.  Philippians 4:13
"Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly." Ignatius
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North Carolina, United States

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Little T-Tapp Success Story

In case you are interested, here are my results and Essay regarding T-Tapp's 2010 60 Day Challenge.

Runner Up Winner
Average to Lose + Health Category

Karen C.


Health Improvements:
Celiac Disease in apparent remission
Chronic foot pain seems to be obsolete
Chronic bursitis hip pain is so much better because of T-Tapp
Stamina and energy much better now.
No More constant limping thanks to T-Tapp!
Allergies manageable
T-Tapp, an answer to prayer….
Oh how I’ve prayed to be pain–free! About eighteen years ago, while working as a flight attendant, a 300 lb metal beverage cart ran over my left foot accidentally. The impact caused the joint of my big toe to crack. It never healed correctly. The pain made me limp. Walking, running and standing caused me agony. Before I injured my foot, I ran and walked to stay in shape.
I had two subsequent surgeries to help repair the damage to my joint and physical therapy to increase mobility, but nothing seemed to help. If I was on my feet for any length of time the pain was crippling and my limp worsened. As an international flight attendant, you can imagine how being on my feet is unavoidable. I took several years off of work and became fairly sedentary.
Unfortunately, being sedentary added to my physical problems. Besides gaining weight, I developed bursitis in both of my hips. The doctor gave me stretches to do, but nothing seemed to help. I suffered in silence. Whenever I would sit for any extended period of time, my pain worsened. So now I not only had pain from standing on my feet, but from sitting as well. It seemed like I was destined to live a life in physical pain as well as have a constant limp. I can’t tell you how old this got for me. I wasn’t about to live my life laying down all the time.
I was in my early forties when my dear friend Barbara told me about T-Tapp and how it might be easier for me to do with my foot and hip problems. I tried it and liked it. I stayed with it for a while and even entered the T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge in 2008, but got self-conscious about my photos and quit at the halfway point. 2008 proved to be a difficult year for my family in so many ways. That year we nearly lost our business of 25 years and had to let go of 2/3 of our wonderful employees. We also could no longer afford our beautiful home and were forced to put it on the market. We attempted to adopt a second child, but our home study expired before we could be chosen. Then, out of nowhere, both of my husband’s parents died within a week of each other right before Christmas. It was all so heart and gut wrenching.
It was hard to believe that Mom & Pop were gone. Add on top of that us leaving the place we called home for many years. Our systems were shocked. I started eating poorly.
My physical pain compounded my emotional pain. I tried to be strong for my husband and daughter and found myself turning to food for comfort instead of relying on my faith completely. Neither was I doing anything to take care of myself physically.
My bursitis in my right hip seemed to heal itself, but my left hip worsened. I couldn’t sleep on that side or on my back anymore because of the pain.
I started cortisone shots in December 2009 for my hip and then my foot as well. I had limited relief from these shots and needed to come back for more treatment. However, the shots were very expensive for us with our high insurance deductible so I stopped getting them earlier this year.
Finally, after much prayer, I felt a tug in my heart and strength in my spirit to get healthy with the hope of one day leading others to better physical and spiritual health. I didn’t expect success overnight, but started my days in prayer and scripture looking for guidance. I examined addictive eating patterns and made serious changes in my diet. I knew I needed to do more than just eat right and remembered how T-Tapp was so effective and easy on my joints.
When I started this T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge, I’d hoped to lose a little weight, strengthen my body and hopefully help with my chronic pain. I had no idea after 60 days that not only would I lose weight and inches, but also have more energy. Even when I work international all-nighter flights, I find that I bounce back more quickly from my trips than I used to. I also sleep better at night and have fewer allergy symptoms.
A couple of big surprise results for me are how T-Tapp has improved my posture and positively affected me as a celiac. I’ve had rolled shoulders since I was a child from many years as a severe asthmatic. My asthma improved and I’ve been off all my asthma meds since I stopped eating animal products regularly five years ago, but my posture still reflected all those years of attacks. It’s much easier for me to stand up straight now! As far as being a celiac, I don’t tolerate gluten well. Usually if I have something with gluten in it like bread, pizza, etc, I’m awakened during the night with pain in my legs keeping me up the rest of the night. During the 4th of July weekend I indulged in bread and meat, but I had no celiac symptoms whatsoever.
This was also the most meat I’ve had in nearly 5 years and that usually means almost instant weight gain for me because of my low metabolism. However, I’ve actually lost weight instead thanks to T-Tapp!
And how has the T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge helped my chronic foot pain and hip bursitis? Well, after two months on this Challenge it is now obvious to my family and myself that I am no longer immobilized by my pain. I hardly even notice my left foot anymore! I have more mobility in my hip and have a much easier time getting up from a sitting position. Whatever pain I still have in my hip seems to work itself out more easily. I’m also not limping like I used to! I am even sleeping on my back and left side again! I seem to get healthier and stronger every day. Thank you T-Tapp!
I asked both my husband and daughter to share what differences they’ve seen in me over the past 60 days. My husband says I’m more energetic and have better posture. He’s also noticed how I get up early nearly every morning to make him smoothies and read the Bible together. He adds that I cook more, bounce back from trips better, limp less, and have fewer rolls around my sides and my shoulders look sexier. He also says without a doubt that if it weren’t for T-Tapp I wouldn’t have been in the waves at the beach boogie boarding with our nine year old daughter for hours on end like I did a couple weeks ago!
As far as my daughter’s observance goes, she asked if it was okay to say that I look skinnier. She also added that I limp less and eat less too!
So although this essay is longer than I intended, hopefully it accurately covers the many blessings T-Tapp has given my family and I. No longer are my days chained to pain and immobility. I’m standing straighter and taller and feeling stronger every day. No longer do I feel like my body is aging prematurely. In fact I feel younger.
I chose to do the Basic Work-Out Plus because it worked best for my lifestyle and fitness level. I could do the exercises whenever and wherever I might be in the world with my job as an international flight attendant. I’ve T-Tapped in each of my hotel rooms across Europe and Great Britain as well as the airplane galley. Near the end of this Challenge I started increasing my workouts from once to twice a day as well as some occasional push-ups and bicep curls as I gained strength. So what’s next? More T-Tapp and healthy living! They go hand in hand!

1 comment:

  1. Karen, wow. you have had so much to overcome. Your story is very inspiring!

    As my age became 'late' 40's (and gained 10 stubborn lbs) I realized I needed to get serious about exercising. I developed sciatica (3rd time in my life, but not for 20 years) that stopped me in my tracks. Following Dr. Jolie Bookspan's advice (Fitness Fixer, check it out!) I have fixed my sciatica (and know what to do if it flares again) and am back on TTapp. I am excited. I believe that if I can do 15 minutes a day (like Charlotte Siems) within a year (or 2! no hurry!) I will drop those lbs, have my waist back (only 2-3 inches) and have a fitness plan I can do for the rest of my life.

    I enjoy your blog and your facebook posts! Thanks for sharing! Cecilia


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