I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me. Philippians 4:13

I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me.  Philippians 4:13
"Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly." Ignatius
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North Carolina, United States

Saturday, May 8, 2010

5/08/10 Veggie Breakthroughs For My Family

Where to begin?  Well let me start by saying that except for some tuna I had earlier this week, I've stayed with my goal of eating vegan as well as staying away from sugar, dairy and oil! Occasionally I may have one piece of sugar free candy though but no biggie urges or anything.

In the past I may have been great sticking with a wholesome diet, but it was a challenge to get my family on board.  Especially my daughter.  Lo and behold, we had a major breakthrough in the veggie open mindedness department this week!    Hooray!!  My daughter has always been good about eating a salad, and certain familiar veggies like green beans, corn, potatoes, broccoli and asparagus, but that was about the extent of it.  I guess her veggie openmindedness started a few months ago when she started accepting some spinach in her salads along with some other wild and crazy stuff I was adding.  This week she ate and enjoyed portobello  mushrooms, eggplant, zucchini, brown rice, cauliflower and an assortment of beans!  It certainly helps that I've been using "The McDougall Quick & Easy (vegan) Cookbook!"  A quick thank you and shout out to Lisa for lending me this invaluable book!  Thank you sister girl!   I've also found some great online vegan recipes.  Hopefully the next veggie breakthrough for the family will be cooked spinach, bok choy and collard greens.  We'll take it one veggie at a time though!  :-)

My husband and I have been having blended salad smoothies nearly every morning this week except for the morning after we got back from 5 hours in ER for complications from his broken rib he incurred from a biking accident over the weekend.  Thankfully he's doing better now since he's been resting under doctors orders.  I'm now grateful also that I was sick earlier this week which caused me to drop my work trip to Zurich.   I was supposed to be in Zurich Thursday when I rushed him to the hospital at 2 in the morning!  Thank you Lord for working that out for us!

These cookbook recipes truly are good in a pinch and have helped me tremendously this week.  Recipes we especially enjoyed so far are: Beans Florentine, Turnip Green Salad, Ratatouille and Cauliflower Poppers.  Yum!  Yum!  Yum!  Feeling like chilling tonight though.  Our daughter has been hanging out with a friend today who will be staying for dinner too so we may make a meat exception for them or I may go pick up Chinese.  We'll see.

Praying that my husband heals well, that I continue to be resourceful with the veggies and that everyone is willing and open to eat them!


  1. Thank you for being intentional about our food choices. Kate and I get to experience your delicious meals, and we get the satisfaction of knowing we're being good to our bodies! You are my hero!

  2. You are welcome for the book, I'm really glad it was so helpful! Thanks for the shout out chickee! Here's a good site I really like, and her recipes are delish:
    Just in case you haven't found it yet.


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