I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me. Philippians 4:13

I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me.  Philippians 4:13
"Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly." Ignatius
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North Carolina, United States

Monday, March 22, 2010

3/22/10 Discouragement Tries To Rear It's Ugly Head....

We decided to go to a water park for a couple days since we couldn't make our CA trip and wanted to make it special for Kate.  Yesterday I put on my swim suit I bought about 3 years ago and it sure fit differently!  I could still wear it, but my shoulders and back seem to be pouring out of it.  It hardly seems to cover my thighs anymore as well.  I opted to put a T-shirt on over it since I didn't want the bathing suit top riding up over my tummy.    Discouragement was knocking at my door, but I quickly reminded myself that it's been less than a week that I got back on track with eating better and following the Lord's lead with this Weight Loss Ministry.  Physical changes don't necessarily happen overnight!  Stay the course!  You are doing great!!  No need to be discouraged!  I'm doing so well that I can see and feel a difference in other tangible ways.  I noticed that my face is slimming down, my eyes look bigger and brighter somehow, my skin is glowing and I have lost some inches already!

No more passive eating!  Intention! Intention!  Intention!  I see the difference in my food choices when I'm intentional!  No more "I hope I do better today" or  "I wish I could lose this extra weight."  That was all just passive thinking, living and eating.  I am sticking with a commitment between God and myself to make the right choices that honor and give glory to Him.  I get to make choices that do not defeat me nor tear down the goals I've set for myself.  In the same way that my passivity was a lifestyle, so is my intentionality.  Everything I choose to do has a direct impact on my life and others.  God gets to remain at my center even at the table.  Okay so I don't indulge in the obvious bad stuff out there like drugs, alcohol, etc, but when it comes to food choices why should I or anyone else look the other way?  What are we as believers saying spiritually when we give into cravings regularly or addictive eating?  I believe what we are saying is that we have two masters.  One is food and the other is God.  We have made food so important that it has become an idol.

Satan would love for Christ's followers and believers to get side tracked in anyway especially if it can have serious and deadly implications.   Unhealthy, addictive eating often leads to being overweight and obese.  Being overweight or obese makes us susceptible to many serious health problems.  One more way for the Evil One to pick off God's people one by one!  This is so avoidable if we can see it happening and come to the Lord for protection, strength, support and focus!  In Christ we are strong!!

Satisfied in Christ,

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