I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me. Philippians 4:13

I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me.  Philippians 4:13
"Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly." Ignatius
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North Carolina, United States

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

3/16/10 Taking it up a notch

Today I just got on my knees while I was in the shower and plead with the Lord to just get this stronghold of addictive food habits off my back!!!  Here I am trying to write this Bible study and I'm not even in the zone yet.  I know the Lord will direct my steps.  I know that He wants me to not only lose this weight I've struggled on and off with for over a decade, but to lead others on a similar path to live life in a more Godly healthy way.  He's shown me the basis of how it can be done, but I've lacked commitment and focus.   I can't do it without Him!!!  My weight has shot up to my personal highest and I refuse to be defeated by this wretched, worldly addiction to processed foods etc.    I believe the Lord will use this struggle to help me identify and empathize with what others are going through.  This struggle will not be in vain.  I ask that the Lord use me and my battle to make a difference for His children.  May God be glorified in all I write, say and do.  Thank you Lord for your precious Word and example you've set before us.

1 comment:

  1. Karen,

    Beautiful writing. You're in God's hands. I'll be your sounding board anytime! All my love.


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