I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me. Philippians 4:13

I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me.  Philippians 4:13
"Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly." Ignatius
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North Carolina, United States

Friday, April 16, 2010

4/16/10 My first work trip since committing to this weight-loss ministry.

Yesterday I got back from a three day Brussels trip which was my first work trip since I chose to eat responsibly and start this weight loss ministry.   I leaned heavily on the Lord throughout the trip by prayer.   I didn't read scripture as much as I'd like however.  The challenge to eat healthy during my work trips comes not only in the limited choices on the plane, but the psychology that goes along with an average work day.  Like with any job, there are great days, good days and not so good days.  No matter what kind of day it might be, there is always a choice to be made in either the right direction or the wrong direction.

We know when we've truly made the right choice and when we haven't.  Whatever is going on that day can greatly influence those choices if we let it.  I'm not saying I spent hours in prayer in the morning, noon and night, but I found myself often praying for strength, peace of mind and wisdom. This time I felt myself utilizing those prayerful moments differently.  During those prayers I could tell that I was being strengthened physically and mentally for any "battle" that could come my way.  Through those prayers I chose not to get defensive with one particularly critical flight attendant.  Instead the Lord just washed me with his mercy and grace.  Unfortunately later in the trip I sinned in with gossip by confiding to a couple flight attendants about the situation.  They were very kind, supportive flight attendants that were truly about team work and I'm sorry that I lured them into any negativity.

It's in our daily challenges and failings that the Lord gives us an opportunity for growth.  My continued prayer to the Lord is to "create a new work in me."  My first two work trips back seemed to go as smoothly as glass.  I felt so comforted, guided and loved by God.  This last trip wasn't as smooth as glass, but God still showed his love and comfort to me by bringing me to Him through prayer for support and direction.  Not once did I have an urge to comfort myself with the idol of food.  If I did it must have been fleeting because I do not remember it.

In-flight food choices on the first day I made were:  A baked potato & orange I brought from home, salad & banana from the plane.
On the layover:  I bought some fresh spinach, mustard dressing & corn cakes (like a rice cakes) at a local Brussels store.  For dinner I ate with some of the crew at the hotel restaurant which gave us a 50% discount.  I had asparagus soup and then half cooked tuna with asparagus.  It was delicious!  At no time was I tempted to order or eat dessert.  For breakfast the next morning I had two bananas, an orange and some of the spinach salad I'd made.
Flight home:  I baked my second potato, ate the rest of my spinach salad, some grapes from home and my last orange.

So I look back at this past Brussels trip with humility and gratitude.  So thankful for the opportunities to grow in the Lord by leaning on Him and not food.  Also thankful to see where I get to grow regarding my stumbling block of approval by others.  Thank you Lord!


  1. Another blessing from God on this third trip - you made it home! That is a gift every time, but especially when a volcano is active! So thankful you got home on time. Sounds like an altogether great trip to me!

  2. You're right!! Thanks!!! :-) I guess I forgot to mention that we were one of the last flights out before the airport closed due to unsafe skies from the ash plume.


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