I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me. Philippians 4:13

I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me.  Philippians 4:13
"Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly." Ignatius
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North Carolina, United States

Friday, April 9, 2010

4/9/10 Is Yesterday Over Already?

As far as food choices, productivity and exercise go, yesterday was a pretty stellar day.  However, I made less extended, conscious prayer time with God.  I  see now that I was mentally preoccupied with stuff.  If I'm preoccupied or my thoughts are continually going back to a particular issue, that's a clue that it's time to come before the Lord.   I had a lot of "fleeting in and out praying, throughout the day" but not an additional extended period of time just being with my Lord and reading His Holy Word.

There is something to be said about purpose too.  What is the purpose of each day?  A purposeful day can translate into a productive day.  A productive day makes food less important.   Prayer and reading of the Word lay the foundation for that daily purpose while productivity moves it right along.

Prayer always gets me grounded and focused.  A great example of that is how I've stopped eating processed, addictive foods.  A moment of weakness may come, but remembering my commitment and prayer to the Lord gets  me back on track.  The overall discontinuation of processed food helps take away the inertia of the addictive, impulsive eating.   I'm slowly seeing a redefinition of food in my life.  Food is becoming less and less an idol for me.   Food or anything else that becomes too important in day to day life, becomes too important in life period!  God is to be first always day to day and for all eternity.  Can He remain number one if I'm so preoccupied with my personal needs such as food?  Something to think about.

Weigh-In for 4/08/10
Breakfast: Rice toast with grapeseed mayo, onion, shrimp & tomato.
Lunch:  Wasn't hungry so I skipped it.
Dinner: spinach romaine salad with sweet onion, orange pieces, chopped up smoked almonds, crumbled blue cheese and balsamic dressing.  Strawberries and decaf, sugar-free coffee drink.

Exercise: 2+ hours Mowing the lawn and the house

Today is a brand new day!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! You are right on target here. I appreciate your insight. Loved talking and enjoying salad together tonight! God Bless!


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