I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me. Philippians 4:13

I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me.  Philippians 4:13
"Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly." Ignatius
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North Carolina, United States

Sunday, April 25, 2010

4/25/10 Hitting The Weight Loss Wall...

I had a great work trip to Zurich.  Everything from the crew, the flights, the passengers, the layover and my food choices were stellar.  No complaints whatsoever.  I'm looking forward to flying Zurich all next month too.  The hotel we stay at has a very accommodating crew room for us to hang out at in addition to our private hotel rooms.  In the crew lounge there is a mini kitchen with a micro, sink and fridge, a big table to eat meals on, couches, chairs and a little terrace outside of it.  I can look forward to bringing more food with me on the trip that I can prepare at the hotel in addition to the flights.  I found out that my flight attendant buddy Susie held the same Zurich line with me.  She too is a believer in Jesus Christ and a great friend.   We not only enjoy working together, but have such great fellowship on our trips.  She too commutes to JFK out of the same airport as I.

Okay, so I've been off sugar for over a month now.  I'm pretty good about avoiding excessively fattening food for the most part like french fries and other greasy stuff.  I'm sneaking a little cheese here and there, but nothing excessive except the potato cheese soup I had in JFK.  I notice that my face is thinning out more, but the rest of my body just stays the same.  I haven't measured myself lately though.  I pretty much stopped doing my "T-Tapp" workouts and it shows.  When I T-Tapp regularly,  my metabolism is higher and I lose inches.  I haven't gained any inches in the last month or so, but the fact that I'm not losing any confirms that simply curbing my food choices isn't enough.  I'm glad I'm seeing this first hand.  I remember in my 30's when I was on weight watchers that I lost more weight when I worked out, but I still lost weight and inches when I didn't workout too.  Without the exercise, I just lost it at a slower rate.  Now in my mid forties, I see that good eating without exercise just isn't going to cut it.  My legs and arms are flabby and I just can't hide my belly any more.  It's time to get moving!

I think I will come up with  routine that is doable.  Start out with smaller time increments.  T-Tapp is at the top of the list, but I want to incorporate walking outside daily if possible in addition to some weight training.  Thankfully we have a Bowflex upstairs in our attic spare room.  I just need to get my husband to show me the ropes a little.  We have an elliptical as well.  I will take it slow especially since I have recurrent bursitis in my left hip in addition to arthritis in my left foot.

Inflight to Zurich:  Baked sweet potato, salad, 1 shrimp and one small piece of smoked salmon from the plane.
During Zurich layover:  Mango juice, package of shrimp from home, salad, rice cakes, rice and sun-dried tomato patty, acorn squash, two oranges, mineral water and lime.
Inflight back to JFK:  Tomato juice, baked potato and brussel sprouts from home, salad, 1 small shrimp and small piece of smoked salmon from the plane.
At JFK while waiting for my flight:  Cheesy potato soup (my most fattening choice of the trip)

So I'm home for a little over a week now.  I look forward to the new challenge of incorporating exercise regularly into my daily schedule.  I will let you know how it goes.  I've been praying and reading the word pretty regularly and can see the difference in my walk with the Lord.  Praying for continued focus, with all the fruits of the Spirit in full tow.  To God be all the Glory!

Satisfied in Christ,

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